CED Nepal has a firm believe that income and capability poverty are important dimensions to be addressed for ensuring sustainable poverty reduction.
CED Nepal is currently working to increase the income and improve the capability of the poor and disadvantaged groups to enhance their capacity. CED Nepal believes that poor and disadvantaged groups must have access to sustainable employment and income generating opportunities for their sustained livelihood improvement. It has firm determination that well coordinated access to financial and non-financial services such as technology, skill, market, raw material supply, business consultancy, etc. are the pre-requisites for ensuring sustainable employment and income generating opportunities for the poor and disadvantaged groups.
Currently CED Nepal is working on knowledge management, policy advocacy and lobbying to formulate better policy to ensure broad based and pro-poor growth and development. We request all those committed on promoting sustainable employment and income generating opportunities of the poor and disadvantaged groups for their sustained livelihood improvement to join hand with us and be part of our broader mission of sustainable poverty reduction in Nepal.